Vimalrai Patel vs Mayur Patel

[2024] EWHC 1412 (Comm)

Dispute over repayment of mortgage debt guaranteed by the claimant.

This case concerned a dispute between Vimalrai Patel and Mayur Patel over the repayment of a mortgage debt guaranteed by the claimant and his late father.


  • Vimalrai Patel filed a lawsuit against Mayur Patel to recover funds used to discharge a mortgage debt.
  • The court had to determine whether the payment was a gift or a loan requiring indemnification.
  • The court found in favor of Vimalrai Patel, rejecting the defense that the payment was a gift.

The claimant, Mr. Vimalrai Patel ('Vimal'), is the younger son of the late Dr. Prakashchandra Patel ('Prakash'). Vimal brought these proceedings both on his own account and as the sole executor and trustee of Prakash's last will. The defendant, Mr. Mayur Patel ('Mayur'), is married to Vimal's sister, Maya Patel. The dispute arose when Vimal and Prakash guaranteed a mortgage for Mayur, who later failed to repay the debt, leading Vimal and Prakash to discharge the mortgage using their own funds.

Prakash and Vimal guaranteed Mayur's mortgage debt with UBS in 2013. When the debt fell due in 2018, Mayur was unable to repay it, and Prakash and Vimal paid the outstanding amount from their joint account. Vimal then sought to recover the funds from Mayur, who defended the claim by arguing that the payment was a gift to his wife Maya and their daughters.

The court examined the evidence, including letters and emails exchanged between the parties. Prakash had indicated that the payment would be treated as an advance on future financial commitments to Maya and her daughters, not as a gratuitous gift. Vimal's evidence supported this interpretation, and the court found him to be a straightforward and honest witness.

The defense's argument that the payment was a gift was rejected. The court concluded that Prakash and Vimal intended to receive indemnification through treating the payment as partial fulfillment of obligations under a prior Letter of Assurance. This letter had promised financial support to Maya and her daughters in exchange for their agreement to disclaim certain trust benefits.

The court acknowledged the ongoing related proceedings in Jersey, which involve broader disputes over the trusts and the Letter of Assurance. It decided to adjourn the final determination of the appropriate relief until after the Jersey proceedings are resolved, to avoid conflicting judgments and to ensure a comprehensive resolution of all related issues.

Legal representatives: Duncan Bagshaw (of Howard Kennedy LLP) for the Claimant, John Virgo (instructed by Laytons LLP) for the Defendant.

Judicial Panel: His Honour Judge Keyser KC

Case Citation Reference: [2024] EWHC 1412 (Comm)

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