R vs Ritchie

[2023] NICC 123

Sexual offences by a support worker against a vulnerable child.

This case involved Jonathan Ritchie, a support worker, who was found guilty of engaging in a sexual relationship with a vulnerable child in care, JP, over a period of several months.


  • Jonathan Ritchie, a support worker, engaged in a sexual relationship with a vulnerable child, JP.
  • The offences occurred over several months, involving multiple instances of sexual intercourse.
  • Ritchie was found guilty and sentenced to 3.5 years imprisonment with 18 months in custody and 2 years statutory supervision.

The case began on 14th March 2019 when MB, a young person, disclosed to a social worker that Jonathan Ritchie, an employee at Ardrath House, was involved in a sexual relationship with JP, a resident at The Willows Children's Home. JP, who had a history of addiction and mental health issues, initially denied the relationship but later provided detailed accounts of the sexual activities.

JP described how the relationship began in October 2018 when she was 16 years old. Ritchie would take her to hotels, including the Five Corners Hotel in Ballyclare, where they had sexual intercourse. JP recounted multiple instances of unprotected sex, often facilitated by Ritchie providing her with drugs and alcohol.

The police investigation revealed evidence supporting JP's claims, including hotel bookings and messages on Ritchie's phone. Videos found on his phone showed Ritchie and JP together in compromising situations. Ritchie was arrested on 20th March 2021 and initially denied the allegations but later pleaded guilty to five counts of sexual offences.

The prosecution highlighted several aggravating factors, including JP's vulnerability, Ritchie's position of trust, and the degree of planning involved. They also noted the provision of drugs and alcohol as a coercive element. The defence presented mitigating factors such as Ritchie's guilty plea, his lack of previous convictions, and his emotional and sexual immaturity.

The court considered various reports, including a psychologist's assessment and a pre-sentence report. The reports indicated that Ritchie was emotionally immature and had difficulty forming appropriate relationships. Despite these factors, the court emphasized the seriousness of the offences and the need for deterrence.

Ritchie was sentenced to 3.5 years imprisonment, with 18 months in custody and 2 years of statutory supervision. He was also subjected to the notification requirements of the Sex Offenders Register for an indefinite period and disqualified from working with children and vulnerable adults. A Sexual Offences Prevention Order (SOPO) was imposed for 8 years to protect the public.

This case underscores the importance of safeguarding vulnerable children in care and the severe consequences for those who breach their positions of trust.

Legal representatives: Mr. Turkington BL for the defendant, Mr. McAleer BL for the prosecution.

Judicial Panel: Judge [Name]

Case Citation Reference: [2023] NICC 123

Criminal Law Sexual Offences Child Protection

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