R v Defendant

[2023] NICC 456

Manslaughter conviction following the death of a vulnerable man.

This case involved the manslaughter of Mr. Brian Coulter, a vulnerable 62-year-old man, by the defendant, a 29-year-old with a criminal history.


  • Mr. Brian Coulter was found dead in his home on 18 October 2021.
  • The defendant was arrested and charged with his murder.
  • The defendant pleaded guilty to manslaughter.
  • The court sentenced the defendant to nine years in prison.
  • The court recommended the defendant's deportation after serving his sentence.

Mr. Brian Coulter, aged 62, was found dead in his home in Magherafelt on 18 October 2021 by his sister, Belinda Wilson. Mr. Coulter had a history of alcoholism and health problems, which had left him weak and frail. Ms. Wilson had been caring for him, checking on him regularly and assisting with daily tasks.

On 12 October 2021, Ms. Wilson visited Mr. Coulter's home and found it in disarray, with a Polish man and a local woman present. Mr. Coulter had bruising on his face, which Ms. Wilson attributed to his frequent falls due to heavy drinking and seizures. CCTV footage later revealed that Mr. Coulter and the defendant entered his home on the evening of 13 October, the last time Mr. Coulter was seen alive. The defendant was seen coming and going from the house alone on 14 and 15 October.

When Ms. Wilson arrived on 18 October, she found the house in a mess again. She discovered her brother's body in a twisted position with a swollen head. The defendant confronted her aggressively, causing her to flee and call the police. The defendant was arrested two hours later in a car park after assaulting an officer and giving a false name.

A forensic examination found blood matching Mr. Coulter's DNA in various areas of the house, including on a hammer shaft and the defendant's coat. Dr. Turner, the Assistant State Pathologist, determined that Mr. Coulter died from blunt force injuries to his head, neck, and chest. The defendant initially remained silent during police interviews but later claimed self-defense, stating that he and Mr. Coulter had been drinking and that an argument led to Mr. Coulter hitting him first.

The defense of self-defense was not credible given the defendant's lack of injuries and Mr. Coulter's frail condition. The defendant eventually pleaded guilty to manslaughter. The court considered several aggravating factors, including Mr. Coulter's vulnerability, the defendant's failure to seek medical help, and his criminal record. The court sentenced the defendant to nine years in prison, with half the sentence to be served in custody and the other half on license.

The court also recommended the defendant's deportation after serving his sentence, noting that his life in Northern Ireland had been problematic and that he had contributed nothing to the community. The court considered but did not impose an extended sentence or a Violent Offender Prevention Order (VOPO) due to the deportation recommendation.

Legal representatives: Mr. Duffy for the defendant, Ms. Tumelty of the Forensic Science Service.

Judicial Panel: O'Hara J

Case Citation Reference: [2023] NICC 456
Criminal Law Manslaughter Sentencing

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