BRS vs Paul Francis Gadd

[2024] EWHC 1403 (KB)

Compensation claim for historical sexual abuse.

This case concerned a compensation claim by BRS against Paul Francis Gadd, better known as Gary Glitter, for sexual abuse perpetrated in 1977 when the claimant was 12 years old.


  • BRS filed a lawsuit against Paul Francis Gadd for sexual abuse that occurred in 1977.
  • The court had to determine the validity of the claim and assess damages.
  • The court found in favor of BRS, awarding significant damages for psychological injury and losses.

The claimant, BRS, sought compensation for sexual abuse perpetrated by the defendant, Paul Francis Gadd, in 1977 when she was 12 years old. The defendant, known by his stage name 'Gary Glitter,' had achieved significant fame as a rock singer in the 1970s and 1980s. The claimant's claim was based on Gadd's convictions in Southwark Crown Court in February 2015 for indecent assault and sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of 13.

The proceedings were issued on 24 May 2022, and an anonymity order was made on 13 June 2022. The claimant obtained judgment in default on 14 November 2022 as the defendant failed to file an acknowledgment of service. The trial to assess damages was listed for 27 March 2024, and the defendant did not participate in the hearing.

The claimant provided evidence of the psychological injury and losses she suffered due to the sexual abuse, including complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) and recurrent depressive disorder. The claimant's evidence was supported by a report from Dr. Sue O'Rourke, a consultant clinical psychologist, who diagnosed the claimant with C-PTSD and recurrent depressive disorder.

The court considered the Judicial College Guidelines for assessing damages in cases of sexual and/or physical abuse. It was determined that the claimant's case fell within the 'moderately severe' category, given the serious abuse and prolonged psychiatric injury. The court awarded general damages of £100,000, aggravated damages of £20,000 for injury to feelings, and special damages of £388,800 for loss of earnings and future therapy costs.

The total damages awarded to the claimant amounted to £508,800. The court emphasized the profound impact of the abuse on the claimant's life, including her education, career prospects, and personal relationships. The court also acknowledged the claimant's need for future psychological treatment.

Legal representatives: Mr. Jonathan Metzer (instructed by Slater & Gordon UK Ltd) for the claimant. The defendant did not appear and was not represented.

Judicial Panel: Mrs. Justice Tipples DBE

Case Citation Reference: [2024] EWHC 1403 (KB)

Sexual Abuse Compensation Claims Psychological Injury

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