Furley Page offers a wide range of legal services to meet all your complex needs.
Furley Page is a versatile law firm located in Kent, UK, that helps both individual people and businesses with many different legal issues. Their team of lawyers is skilled in areas like family law, which involves things like divorce or child custody, and property law, dealing with buying or selling houses. They also handle tougher topics like wills and trusts, helping clients manage assets safely and dealing with legal issues after someone has passed away. For older clients or those needing special care, they offer support with things like planning for care needs and making legal documents like powers of attorney. Furley Page doesn't just stop there; they also assist businesses in various industry sectors by providing advice on employee relations, bankruptcy, real estate, and even intellectual property, which involves inventions and trademarks. Whether it's giving personal legal advice to individuals or helping a company maneuver through complex business laws, Furley Page aims to deliver superior service efficiently and effectively, making sure their clients are well-taken care of every step of the way.
Local: 0333 331 9877
Email: [email protected]
9 Boorman Way, Estuary View Business Park, Whitstable, Kent, CT5 3SE
Whitstable, Kent
United Kingdom
Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 5:15 PM